Feasibility Studies
Study of hydrology, hydraulics and morphology to determine feasibility or potential of a stream restoration project, wetland restoration project, mitigation bank or combined bank project.
Sediment Studies
Study to determine erosion rates, sediment loads in lentic and lotic systems. Creation of sediment curves in rural and urban watersheds.
Stream Classification Studies
Study categorizes streams into "Restoration", "Rehabilitation" or "Preservation" using Rosgen Stream Classification System. A GIS desktop process developed by River Specialists with field collected data are used in the data analysis process.
Ecological Sustainability
Study to determine the hydrologic and geomorphic factors necessary to maintain ecological conditions in a urban aquatic system. Hydrologic factors are frequency and duration of rain events. Geomorphic factors are the occurrence, magnitude and distribution of erosion, sediment transport and sediment deposition affecting characteristics of the stream corridor and aquatic habitat.
Habitat Mapping and Geomorphic Design Database
On going study and collection process for reference design and habitat criteria that relate bank full channel dimensions and discharge to watershed drainage area. The criterion provides numerical guidelines for designing channel and floodplain dimension, pattern, profile, biological and chemical function._